


This addon is for Runes of Magic, not WoW.

Runes of Magic

Healbot is a party interface that is optimized for healing and has buttons to cast spells on each person in the party. Healbot will never autocast.

Healbot v3.8.1 Release

released: October, 2012
Fixed a typo that affected updating when changing groups in a raid party

Healbot v3.8 Release

released: July, 2012
Fixed the bug that kept Healbot from displaying 100k+ HP correctly. Corrected a code base error that caused Healbot to revert back to an earlier codebase.

Answers to Common Questions

Q>Why is the regular party interface still there?
A>Because I still haven't added any of the curse/poison/etc. icons. Try the addon partyhide http://rom.curseforge.com/addons/partyhide/

Current supported languages:

-English -Deutsch


/healbot help command list
/healbot bigger
/healbot smaller --self explanatory
/healbot reset - resets the position of Healbot
/healbot toggle will hide or show healbot
/healbot tr25 tr50 tr75 tr100 -Transparency commands
hold-shift and:
-every healbar is separately movable
-an 'x'-button appears to hide party members individually
-an 'r'-button appears to reset the group
-shift-MouseOver Players/NPCs to target them
hp numerical value xxxx/xxxx changes colors at <75% <50% <25% <0%
Classes are represented with 1 letter per class (ex. PM for Priest Mage)

Configuration menu: '>'

--Lock Position
--Target healbar appears (optionally) if the target is not in the party
--Passive Mode - (dimming feature)fades the healbars after roughly 10 seconds of no activity
--Added function and config option to hide the focus bar
---if you use the focus bar you will find an option in the configuration menu to re-enable it
--Pet Heal skill selector

if there are any problems please post a ticket on curseforge or leave a comment here

link to: downloads -- file list

thanks to ZsZso and Noktrin @ nBuff

for the targeting and toggle functions that they added

Huge thanks to: Barathäus (Priest/Mage)@ Aontacht -- for the original idea and code