Nessya's Collection of Functions

Nessya's Collection of Functions


This is a small addon, the functions it supports:

1) checkPhoenix
Function: checks party for people with(out) phoenix, and if needs be the cooldown on it
Usage: Use the button called "Phoenix"

2) AutoAssist
Function: Gives assist when someone joins party or types "assist" when you're leader
Usage: Type "assist" in party chat, or click the button if you are the party leader

3) AutoInvite
Function: Invites people when a self-chosen word is typed in following channels: guild, party, say, whisper chat
Usage: Type a keyword in the big editbox, and tick the checkbox to the right of it. Once you tick this checkbox, it will start inviting people who mention the keyword.

4) CheckBuffs
Function: Checks buffs on your target, and whether or not they forgot something
Usage: Hover the CB button to let it show you what your target misses, *click* the button to WHISPER it to your target.

5) CheckDebuffs
Function: Checks debuffs on your target, preferred a boss. Will shout in party which buffs are missing
Usage: There is no button for this, perhaps in future releases this will come. Macro this: /run checkDebuffs();