Situations where you would want to swap players:
- You want to apply a buff on a specific group
- You want to move a disconnected player to an unused group
- You want to get in same group as your healer to receive heals
- You want to maximize the synergy between class and apply buff or play instrument on several group during the same battle
- You have setup some strategy/macro that only works when players are in a specific order
- Other ideas ?
This addon provides a small interface to act faster in case you need to move the position of players in a raid through the 36 possible positions.
It saves times (because you do not open the group interface), it saves actions slot and macro slot if you are already swaping players a lot.
When you Left-Click on the icon:
- It will toggle the visiblity of the addon frame. It is useless if you are not in a raid.
When you Rigth-Click on the icon:
- If you are the leader:
It will convert a party to a raid and it will give the assistant role to everyone
- If you are not the leader:
It will request for the assistant role in the party chat (because you cannot move players in the raid without it).
If the leader also have the addon, it will automatically give the assistant role to everyone.
If you already have the assistant role, nothing will happen.
When you click on the Swap button:
- It will swap players according what was selected in the lists.
- There are 2 lists to select the groups and 2 lists to select the players (or empty slot).
- It can move a player accros the 6 possible groups (from postion 1 to postion 36)
- It can move a player to an empty slot.
- It can move a player to another position in the same group.
The addons reads the values in the lists to swap players. But in the end it is just like using the macro
/run MoveRaidMember(from, to)
- where from is a number in the range 1 to 36
- where to is a number in the range 1 to 36
- If you want to click on the swap button by using a macro because you like automatization you can use
/run SimpleRaidSwapper.OnClickSwap()
- I only see one use for that but I give you the information.
- First you open the addon then you set the players to swap before the fight and finally you use your home made macro to play music intrument, swap, use specific buff or burst. You won't need to edit your macro for specific position in raid, it will be dynamical by setting the players with the SimpleRaidSwapper addon.
Slash commands:
To display help:
- /srs
- /simpleraidswapper
To turn on or off
- /srs on
- /srs off
To stop sending messages in the party chat
- /srs silent
To allow send message in the pary chat
- /srs party
Feel free to add a comment:
- If you find the addon useful
- If you think somethng is not working properly
- If you have a suggestion for improvement
- If you come up with an interesting usecase for the addon