

Addon helps you to search the stats in equipment items and manastones anywhere in your account places: equipment, backpack, bank, housekeeper.

Chat commands:
/stat Stamina XI - find items with this stat
/stat ?Stamina X - find first item with specified stat (used to search the unique items)
/stat [item link] - find items with first stat from given item or manastone

/stats Stamina X - find stats which names are contain "Stamina X"

/stat MyTwink Stamina X - find items at given character (*)
/stat ~ Stamina X - find items at current character (*)

(*) from version 1.0 you can add save characters in which inventory the search performed:
/stat + Character - add character to search
/stat - Character - remove character from search

/statdesc Imprisonment - print manastones with specified stat names ("Lake of Imprisonment VIII", "Barbarity of Imprisonment VIII", etc.)
/statdesc 512990 40 - print 40 manastones with IDs, starting from 512990.

/statsets N - find fusion stone sets with N-mininal stone count (default 3).

Please note that addon requires InventoryViewer, Sol and Fusion (for statsets command).