Ultimate Blacklist

Ultimate Blacklist


Ultimate Blacklist works differently than other Blacklist Addons in that it does not use the default and limited ingame blacklist to get the job done.

It works by checking chat messages (Zone, Whisper, etc..) and instead of adding a player to the ingame blacklist it adds the player to its own array. This allows for an unlimited amount of players on blacklist. UBL is quick and accurate - spend more of your time playing than trying to block annoying spam.

If you do not have AddonManager simply type /ubl ingame to access the config panel.

Ultimate Blacklist offers un-parallelled catching of even the sneakiest of spammers and With simple keywords such as runegold Ultimate Blacklist can catch an array of spam messages. Best of all, anything new that comes along you do not need to wait on an addon update to block it - You have the ability with UBL to provide yourself with 100% blocking and 100% control over what the addon filters. Worried about losing saved info from your SaveVariables? There is nothing to worry about, since UBL caught it before blocking it from chat - it can do it again. Feel relief knowing that UBL is there to keep your focus more on your gaming experience than worrying about chat spam. Enjoy peace of mind knowing you have powerful tools at the click of a button to block spam no matter how they try to send them across.

- Works right out of the box even without any special config setup!
- Configuration panel.
- AddonManager support.
- Can be toggled on/off without removing the addon.
- Unlimited blacklist for both keywords and players.
- Blocks whisper pop-ups from matched blacklisting.
- Blocked messages are not displayed in chat at all.
- Block Party Requests. (with option to allow Friends/Guild)
- Block Duel Requests. (with option to allow Friends/Guild)
- Block Trade Requests (with option to allow Friends/Guild)
- Block Ride Invites (with option to allow Friends/Guild)
- Block System Spam Messages (ex. "Must be Facing Target")
- Block Scroll Banner that annoys you across the top middle of your screen!
- Block RoMq addon spam. (without blacklisting the player)
- Filter Color from Chat Messages
- Filter out Loot messages.
- Send Memory Warnings to Chat intead of popping up on you during combat.
- Easily add a player to UBL Blacklist by right clicking them or their name in chat.
- View the message a player was auto banned for. (only kept in memory as long as game was not restarted)
- Manually added players are added to a separate scroll list for easy distinction from those that were auto blacklisted.
- Decay over Time Auto Blacklist cleanup. (Define how many days before someone is removed)
- Auto detected players for current session can be quickly reported. GM Report window filled in with information regarding the spammer.
- Easy set and forget configuration.
- Add a note on custom added players to remember why you blacklisted them.
- Non-Case sensitive Keyword matching. mytest will match MyTEsT.
- Removes spaces and punctuation from messages before matching it for keywords. mytest will match m ' y - t e ! s t
- Config allows you to use LUA Patterns to match messages. ex. myt(%d+)t to match myt35t.
- See some basic stats about how many players have been blocked since install/update of 0.63
- Hitting /r to reply to the last person you were chatting with in whisper will reply to them and not the spammer who tried to send you spam.
- Filter chat containing special words with UBL Word Filter without blacklisting a player (ex. WTS/WTT/WTB)
- Filter out Zone Spam Messages.
- Works on any language regardless of the UI being translated or not!

- If you would like to translate the interface to your language, please send me the translated language.lua and I will gladly update the addon to include it.