Aorta dds converter

Aorta dds converter


Aorta is a utility for creating high quality DDS textures. you can made it from every imaga you can use also you can save dds to png

(note aorta does NOT rescale your imaga so you must do that with gimp piant (the standerd paint added on windows is possible)

icon scales width 76 - height 76 (pixel)

static portraits width 152 - height 235 (pixel)

wireframe width 140 - height 140 (pixel)

(note 2 aorta cant create wireframes @ grayscale you must use gimp paint or photoshop  bofore you can use aorta to convert it to dds

note 3 how to make shield wireframes create a white stroke around the wireframe, 2 pixels wide and save it. Then I add a second stroke around the first, a little bit darker and save it. Then a third one around the first. description a PM from soulflisher and my (he using photoshop)

Aorta is licensed under the GNU Public License. See the file COPYING for

Aorta is copyright 2006-2008 by Gregory Smith
Gloriana created by

Description of Installation
click on batch convert and flag save as dds after you do the instruction below you have a screen after saving call DDs options flag use dxtc generate mipmaps image repeats filter box
mipmap halo removal you must select fast halo removal reconstruct edge colors and than choose background color black than press oke (that instructions you must do the fist time afer that you need alone to press oke)

description of use
open Aorta.exe and click on load normal choice your picture (jpg gif whatever) and press on opac_type 3 (or 2 but 3 is the best for sc using) if you done it save as dds and you get a screen dds options if you have done the instructions above you need alone to press oke
