s2maCache Manager

s2maCache Manager


Cache -> Maps tool.


Default: Prints cachefolder path.

Option 1: Prints mapnames and locations from local cachefiles

  1. Find all *.s2ma files from the cachefolder.
  2. Using MpqLib to open the s2ma files.
  3. Get mapname without using locale ( ugly hack read from MapScript.galaxy autogenerated comments )
  4. Print Mapnames plus location
  5. repeat 4 until all valid maps have been printed.

also has an option to sort by Creation date.

Option 2: Copy cache maps to .\Maps and renaming them to <mapname>+<Creation date>.sc2map

  1. Find all *.s2ma files from the cachefolder.
  2. Get mapnames without using locale using MpqLib.
  3. Copy the .s2ma files to .\Maps and rename them to mapname.sc2map.

Option 3:

Same as Option 1, but does not print the mapnames( only locations ). Also has an option to print raw locations.

What may be coming:

  • Save locations to file.
  • Smaller size of application by integrating a new mpqlib made by myself.

By Borgen