SC2 Map Analyzer

SC2 Map Analyzer

Lost Temple - Openness

Lost Temple - Openness

An example of computing the "openness" of map cells. The openness value is the distance in cells from a cell to the nearest unpathable cell. The rendered openness image gives a good sense of whether slightly asymmetric areas of the map are still bala...
Pathing Example - Steppes of War

Pathing Example - Steppes of War

This image shows the approximation SC2 Map Analyzer must make of the ground pathing by relying on the t3CellFlag file rather than the t3SyncPathingInfo file.
Kulas Ravine - Influence

Kulas Ravine - Influence

Positional balance of Kulas Ravine is good due to being highly symmetrical.

Analyzing Rotated Doodads 1

Analyzing Rotated Doodads 1

See how the pathing footprint rotates but not the nobuild footprint?

Incineration Zone - Influence

Incineration Zone - Influence

The shape of bases on Incineration Zone are slightly different.

Metalopolis - Influence

Metalopolis - Influence

The 8 o'clock versus 2 o'clock spawns have the biggest positional imbalance.

Blistering Sands - Summary

Blistering Sands - Summary

A new summary image shows a nice overview of the map.

Blistering Sands - Summary Image 1.4.1

Blistering Sands - Summary Image 1.4.1

Summary image shows destructible rocks.

Scrap Station - Terrain Only

Scrap Station - Terrain Only

Only shows the cliff-levels read from the map file.
iCCup Fighting Spirit - Influence

iCCup Fighting Spirit - Influence

This is an example of a map with rotational symmetry that has good positional balance for adjacent spawns.

Steppes of War - Openness

Steppes of War - Openness

Openness is the distance from a cell to the nearest unpathable cell.

Compare More Openness Levels

Compare More Openness Levels

The image on the left shows openness as of 1.4.3, on the right is 1.4.4.  The extra gradient provides more visual distinction for the openness in a map.

Desert Oasis - Shortest Paths

Desert Oasis - Shortest Paths

The main-to-main shortest paths on Desert Oasis are very different by ground, cliff-walk and air.

Lost Temple - Shortest Paths (updated)

Lost Temple - Shortest Paths (updated)

Like the original but with an SC2Mapster footer!

Analyzing Rotated Doodads 2

Analyzing Rotated Doodads 2

A clear delineation of the footprints.

Kulas Ravine - Bases

Kulas Ravine - Bases

The bases image for Kulas Ravine.

Analyzing Rotated Doodads 3

Analyzing Rotated Doodads 3

And an in-game screen shot showing unit pathing and building placement to verify.

Analyzing Rotated Doodads 4

Analyzing Rotated Doodads 4

Better image of in-game effects

Footprint Examples

Footprint Examples

For an explanation of how to set up footprints in the map analyzer.

Steppes of War - Openness - 1.4.0

Steppes of War - Openness - 1.4.0

The 1.4.0 release generates much more precise pathing than the previous releases.

Scrap Station - Influence

Scrap Station - Influence

Influence is the potential, expressed as a percentage, that one start location has to control a base versus another start location.

Kulas Ravine - Shortest Paths

Kulas Ravine - Shortest Paths

There are a lot of cliffs on Kulas making ground paths converge on the center area.

Desert Oasis, Novice - Influence

Desert Oasis, Novice - Influence

This map has imbalance because of very different destructible rocks!

Incineration Zone - Shortest Paths Nat2Nat

Incineration Zone - Shortest Paths Nat2Nat

SC2 Map Analyzer finds the natural expansion for start locations and can compute the natural-to-natural shortest paths.

Incineration Zone - All Shortest Paths

Incineration Zone - All Shortest Paths

This image shows all the shortest paths to the upper start location from every cell, except cells that have no path.

Influence Heat Map

Influence Heat Map

This shows the influence on Scrap Station as a heat map.

Metalopolis - Openness

Metalopolis - Openness

Openness for Metalopolis.



This image depicts a map that the analyzer says is balanced by resources and by openness, though it has other imbalances. For instance, the bases need a different number of creep tumors to connect main to natural. Issues like this may some day be a...

Lost Temple - Shortest Paths

Lost Temple - Shortest Paths

SC2 Map Analyzer computes shortest paths between locations for ground units, cliff-walking units or air units. This information is particularly helpful in getting a sense for the balance of map positions.
Metalopolis - Asymmetry

Metalopolis - Asymmetry

The axes of symmetry added by hand to show differences on Metalopolis.

Scrap Station - Bases (updated)

Scrap Station - Bases (updated)

This updated version of the bases output shows the radius of the average openness/base calculation.

Footprint Examples, Annotated

Footprint Examples, Annotated

Show the footprint coordinates!

Blistering Sands - Bases

Blistering Sands - Bases

The radius around a base shows which cells are sampled to compute the average openness of a base. This value is displayed next to the total resources for the base, and it is one way to decide how different one base is from another.

SC2 Map Analyzer Icon

SC2 Map Analyzer Icon

The tool's icon.
Scrap Station - Bases

Scrap Station - Bases

SC2 Map Analyzer finds resources on the map and deduces where the bases are, how many resources are located there, and classifies them as players often do: mains, naturals, thirds, islands, and semi islands.
Steppes of War - Summary - 1.4.3

Steppes of War - Summary - 1.4.3

Notice the main choke is identified and the available space in main is calculated. The bases actually have a difference in available space on this map.