TheBeaver's Assets

TheBeaver's Assets

Regenerative Mineral Field

Regenerative Mineral Field

Includes both High res and Low res mineral field textures, as well as a retexture for the little crystal that the worker carries back to the town hall.
Raptorling Shield Wireframes

Raptorling Shield Wireframes

Custom Shield Wireframes for the raptorling.
Red Mineral Field

Red Mineral Field

Mineral Field retexture requested by Templarfreak. Includes low and high res fields, as well as carriable crystals, updated lights, and new splats.
Khalai Nexus_Taldarim WarpIn and Death Models

Khalai Nexus_Taldarim WarpIn and Death Models

Additional Death and WarpIn Models for the Khalai Tal'darim Nexus
Zergum (Zergling XP Reward Upgraded Greened)

Zergum (Zergling XP Reward Upgraded Greened)

The current Hero model that I am using for Zergum in the Xenocide Campaign. It is just like the normal Zergling XP Reward Upgraded model, only also has the green body colors of the Raptorling.
Zealot NoCords Blades Fix

Zealot NoCords Blades Fix

A fix for the Zealot Blade Particles for the Zealot NoCords model
Raptorling Ungreened

Raptorling Ungreened

Just the regular Raptorling model but without the green on the body or the green-colored eyes. Looks much more akin to the Zergling now.
Zealot Khalai Centurion Warp Blades Fix

Zealot Khalai Centurion Warp Blades Fix

Fixes Emissive textures and adds WarpBladeEx2 effect for the Khalai Zealot
Zerg Vorvaling [Animations Incomplete]

Zerg Vorvaling [Animations Incomplete]

The Zerg Vorvaling, inspired by the Vorvrokor unit created by Pr0nogo for Cosmonarchy, a SC:BW overhaul mod