Ash to Ash Überlisk (3v3, FFA)

Ash to Ash Überlisk (3v3, FFA)

Ash to Ash Überlisk scenery 3

Ash to Ash Überlisk scenery 3

Yet another small piece of the scenery. Can you have enough of lava?

The angry Überlisk

The angry Überlisk

Or is he really angry... go closer and ask him if he's angry...

Ash to Ash Überlisk scenery

Ash to Ash Überlisk scenery

A small piece of the scenery.

Size matters...

Size matters...

I think we can all agree...

Ash to Ash Überlisk overview

Ash to Ash Überlisk overview

The amazing view over the area were an angry, and rather big, Überlisk is strolling around. You may also see the two areas were a number of Commanders are buldind up their armies with which they send out across the path of the Überlsik!

Ash to Ash Überlisk scenery 2

Ash to Ash Überlisk scenery 2

Another small piece of the scenery. Specificly the very center part of the map where there's a really tasty expansion.

Ash to Ash Überlisk overview 02

Ash to Ash Überlisk overview 02

A better look at the map as it looks at the moment.