The basic idea behind this mod is that instead of building your units as you need them, you draw units from a preset pool of reserves. (your opponent, at least for now, will be using the traditional starcraft AI.) If a unit is destroyed, you can replace it, but you cannot build anything more than what you had in your reserves at the start of the map. The idea behind this is to discourage 'spamming' and 'deathball' tactics.
Depending on how it works out, it may be that units are free initially, and you only have to pay for replacing it if it gets destroyed.
Eventually, depending on how well this works, I may make a version 2.0 that is more of a campaign, where you get new units as a reward for completing each map, and can get extra units using any leftover resources you had (after the cost of anything you didn't already replace is subtracted!)
No promises on the time frame, suggestions and contributions are welcome.