Builders and Fighters

Builders and Fighters


Builders and Fighters is a remake of Builders and Fighters from Warcraft 3.


  1. Added some resources to the middle of the map for fighters
  2. Fixed scan and mule for terran
  3. Fixed a TON of other bugs
  4. Upgrades for Fighters
  5. A new, smaller, MUCH better map
  6. A new loading screen
  7. Nerfed mules (No longer stack, only gather 1.5 times as fast, repair slower)

Currently features:

  1. Customized builders and fighters
  2. A supering system in which:
    • You can send units into the super spot where they move to a UI
    • You can summon super units costing any number of regular units
  3. You can send units to your fighter, who can then use them to attack/kill the opponent
  4. A very complex map with Xel'Nagas and small pockets of minerals/vespene for fighters to use

Planned features:

  • Events
  • Achievements
  • Many super units with unique abilities
  • Custom upgrades for fighters
  • Even more to come

I decided to release this map as open source. The map is available for download. The only thing I ask is that you do not publish it publicly. If this map isn't in your region, please contact me. (this may change in the future)

New update!
All races now have upgrades!

LAST EDIT OF PAGE WAS ON: 8/27/2010 @ 4:15 PM MDT for a HUGE update