Terrain request for Keyeszx

Terrain request for Keyeszx

Supply Outpost Y

Supply Outpost Y

This is just a supply post that was requested in the map and is placed up near the top left of the map, it has a vespene theme to it.

Supply Outpost X

Supply Outpost X

This is just a supply post that was requested in the map and is placed up near the top right of the map, it has a mineral theme to it.

City Angle 3

City Angle 3

This is a shot taken from game camera view but zoomed out a little to take the full city in view. It highlights the streets and the general city in general, I am unsure how to make junctions in the road useing the road tool but you can always improvi...

Map Overview

Map Overview

This is just the overview of the map as a whole and you can see the general placement of its features, what may be hard to work out is the playable map bounds and camera bounds are less than this image and the plain margin around the map is out of si...

East Waterfall

East Waterfall

This is the waterfall on the east side of the mountain spring and exhibits the east bridge aswell, I believe that bridge has a glass texture in the center ingame but if it doesn't and looks bad you can always replace it.

City Angle 1

City Angle 1

This is the city taken from about a 30 degree angle from the verry bottom left corner of the map.

The city is positioned on the bottom left corner and is surrounded by stone walls, it features a few skyscrapers and many multi storey buildings...

Waterfall West

Waterfall West

This is the western waterfall from the natural mountain spring going into the river, at the bottom right you can see a forrest which was meant for a defensive boost and can fit all standard SC2 units through. A road crosses throught he middle of that...

City Angle 2

City Angle 2

In this one it more highlights the cityscapes skyliine or silhouette also this is taken from the reverse angle of the game camera so you wont be viewing those horrid brick textures, the otherside which is always facing the standard game camera is jus...