DNA Wars

DNA Wars

DNA Icon

DNA Icon

DNA Icon

71 Roach Group Hug

71 Roach Group Hug

Using the Schrodinger DNA upgrade, 71 roaches all stacked together annihilate the hydras guarding the cannon control switch.

High Templar Cookin'

High Templar Cookin'

High Templars defend the DNA Combiner against a Viking-Mech attack.

Stalker Ambush

Stalker Ambush

Using their long distance teleport, the stalkers ambush a control point.

Terrain Overview

Terrain Overview

Top-left: Protoss Embassy
Top-right: Evacuation Point
Bottom-right: Residential District
Bottom-left: New Construction

Hellion Ownage

Hellion Ownage

Hellions own Zerglings mid-leap.