

Its called DukeCraft, and the game will have only 1 active unit, which is Duke Nukem and they will all look identical in the fashion of Duke Nukem 64/3D. The idea is a Duke Nukem RTS, its so awesome you already dig it. So help me :( lol. I have help requests at the bottom!.

--- Setting: The map will be a remake of the Red Light District (level 2 on 64/3D)

Spawning: A time machine driven by Duke Nukem will steal copies of himself from different time periods, and spawn them close by (using the mechanic of the pylon and warp gate).

Weapons: Only the classics, such as the Ripper or RPG. Shrink Ray sounds cool, but no clue how to make this one happen, so I'll avoid it for now.

Game mode: Team death match, there will be aggressive NPCs such as the Octabrain or Enforcer running around attacking anyone.

Sounds: Straight from Duke Nukem 64/3D.

Leader-board: Will display ego instead of score, if the ego drops below a certain amount then that team loses.

Music: From Duke Nukem, either Grabbag or other in game music.

Babes: Rescued from Zerg eggs, similar to Duke Nukem 64/3D.

Economy: Also depended on ego, more ego = better units.

-- Help Needed:

Someone who is good with 3DS Max, since the Blender toolset is not working at all. I have the model over half way finished for Duke Nukem (a mod of Spectre Prisoner). The mesh needs to be assigned to the bones (copied from Marine), and basically just needs sun glasses. I have altered the vertexes of the face to look more like Duke Nukem and the legs to be skinnier.

I can do the map, and even skinning. The triggers should be super easy since the only mechanic in the game is the spawning, and that is basically a civilian vehicle that emits energy and warps in its own proximity.

Some art style information:

All the Dukes must look identical, I am alright with adding a nametag above their heads if requested, but this should look exactly like the 64/3D additions. It will be almost a tug-of-war with micro, because you have to keep your ego bar up (and theirs down).

Again I have already started this mod, and am currently just looking for someone who can operate 3DS Max enough to bind the model to the bones, and add sunglasses (basic 80s sunglasses).

Team request: No more than 3 people, this is so easy that really all we need is just a few. I will post it to my Bnet account in case of a Blizzard Nazi ban for having Duke Nukem (you never know).

Current state: In the modeling process, I will do the map this week. I am alright at Galaxy editor, just not at all with 3DS Max. I will be doing a straight replica of Red Light District since it is mostly out doors and is iconic. Also, because it is a city, I can use pre-existing content. - Aliens: Octabrain = Overlord (easy enough). Enforcer = Zealot prisoner (they look fairly similar due to size).