

SpellCraft is an RPG where the players control their individual heroes. Each hero has 8 "bases" or elements that they may combine (permutate, really) into different abilities. As a starting point, the game will allow up to 2 bases for each permutation, adding to a sum of 8 + (8*8) = 72 different abilities. At this point, the alpha version will release and additional abilities will be implemented.

Using this dynamic and versatile spellcasting system, the players will have the opportunity to rotate through potentially hundreds of abilities upon implementation. Consequently, players will have the ability to change their "traditional roles" from tank to DPS to nuker to support to summoner in instants. With a full-room game of 12 players, no two game will be the same.

As the name suggests, each player is a Spellcaster. In an arena-style terrain, players will fight varying mobs and bosses. Additionally, players will also be able to participate in PvP and mini-games ranging from the traditional Capture-the-Flag to a small scale MOBA. Of course, like most other RPG's, SpellCraft will support hero equipments and items, leveling system, talents, and more.

Note: At the time of starting this map, I did not know that a game called SpellCraft existed in Warcraft3 (Despite having played WC3 for years) until a month or so into developing the map (while checking if the name SpellCraft was taken). If anyone has played the game (I personally have not), this SpellCraft will be similar in concept, but vastly different.

Note 2: Yes, the URL does say Gladiators. I decided to change the name of the project about a month or so in. :/