Insectipede Invasion TD

Insectipede Invasion TD

Tower building Specialists

Tower building Specialists

Which one will you choose?

[new] Insectipede spawn area

[new] Insectipede spawn area

This is the new version of the Insectipede spawn area. With the old spawn area the Insectipedes would just appear at some point on the creep. In the new version each unit is hatched from an egg and then runs its course. Also, added in the Brood M...

[old] Insectipede spawning area

[old] Insectipede spawning area

Where they shall come wave by wave (Old version of the Insectipede's spawn area.

Board overview

Board overview

Insectipedes spawn in the north and are heading south

Insectipede Invasion TD

Insectipede Invasion TD

The Invasion has begun

Difficulty levels

Difficulty levels

Pick your poison