Jaded Space Pre-Alpha New Lin Map


This is my first map, but has been all consuming as I knew nothing of coding when i started it, only an idea map of what i wanted in the game. Remaining to be completed is Hero Creation, interaction between abilities and skillbook, and skillbook to wow UI. Targeting is pretty much done, and vehicle code is finished. The mech is to the left of the main street. All funtionality works for 4 players (as far as ive been able to test).

All quests work in real time, so you can keep your log open and see them update. The code for a usable UI here is finished, i just need to populate it. I am breaking to learn how to use the save load system before continuing, but my goal is to have a playable alpha code in 2 weeks, and finish beta within a week or 2 after that.

Any feedback or bugs contact [email protected]