In a world where the Terran Dominion has control over all the human assets within the territory, some individuals are chasing their goal of enriching themselves, without having the Dominion's eyes on them. A few groups of Humans have branched off the Dominion to find their own mining grounds...
But when Two of those Factions find the same rich land, the battle is inevitable...
SC2_ Renegade is a multiplayer map, allowing you to fight head on with teams of 7v7. You will fight by purchasing armor suits, and with each armor suit, custom personalized purchasable items. Each armor suit gives you advantages and disadvantaged over various factors. You will also need to use vehicles and air support to win over the battlefield.
The game should include multiple game modes, such as Annihilation, Capture the flag and Team deathmatch.
Some of the features include:
-4 purchasable different armor suits
-Each individual suit has a main attack, a secondary attack, purchasable consumable items, personal augments and personal special ability.
-Purchasable hellion, viking combat armor, siege tank with controllable turret.
-Purchasable SCV to increase your team's mineral income.
-Purchasable personal medivac, Banshee strike.
A Demo video is pending, but until then, here are some images to put you in appetite...
Note: Nothing in these images is final, this includes: the map itself, the abilities effects and damage, no custom menu done, etc.
I am looking forward to trying this game with the Community !