StarCraft II
3,491 Mods
Starcraft: Mass Recall
3M DownloadsStarcraft: Mass Recall
StarCraft II: Annihilation Campaign
91.7k DownloadsAnnihilation has now been updated with a brand new mission launcher!
[Campaign] The Dark Story
70.1k DownloadsIncludes Race with Destiny, Shadow of the Past and The Great Hunt
[Campaign] Wrath of the Tal'darim
69.8k Downloads[Campaign] Wrath of the Tal'darim
Marauders! The Campaign
60.5k DownloadsA non-serious campaign featuring Marauders!
The Proditor Campaign
47.6k DownloadsThe Proditor Campaign - story about nature of treason and morality fall
Planetary Boss (WoW Edition) - Zaragor the Compactor
41.4k DownloadsPlanetary Boss WoW Edition - Zaragor the Compactor
Starcraft 2: Odyssey Campaign
35.9k DownloadsStarcraft 2: Odyssey Campaign
Third Person Direct Control Battle in RTS Mode
28.9k DownloadsThird Person Direct Control Battle in RTS Mode
[Campaign] Unification of Purifiers
26.2k DownloadsCustom DLC
Pass Defense (Singleplayer Mode)
25k DownloadsDefend a mountain pass against the zerg.
The Planetary Boss Fortress
21.2k DownloadsThe Planetary Boss Fortress
Template Maps
19.1k DownloadsTemplate Maps
Urban Special Forces (Default and Hero Modes)
18.7k DownloadsAlternate Special Forces
The Planetary Boss Hunt
17.8k DownloadsThe Planetary Boss Hunt
Starcraft: Enslavers Redux
17.7k DownloadsEnslavers Redux is a custom campaign that is a complete overhaul remake of the original SC Enslaver campaigns. It features all new mission objectives, story, hero developments, and more, all while providing critical cohesion between SC1 and SC2.
SC1 - Jacobs Installation - Remake
17.3k DownloadsA remake of the Starcraft 1 mission - The Jacobs Installation
[Campaign] StarCraft 2: Shadow of Liberty
17.1k DownloadsA custom campaign for StarCraft 2.
Lunar Special Forces release 3.2
16.7k DownloadsLunar Special Forces release 3.2
Starcraft 2: Time Convergence [Campaign]
16.6k DownloadsStarcraft 2: Time Convergence [Campaign]