This is a TD on Korhal which is basic as it is my first of the TD genre. It might become more advanced later, but as for now it will remain simple and without exceptional quality. Also, this is a work in progress, so there are many components that I have not yet added. Thanks to onetwoSC for his tutorial.
Any feedback is great, as well as answering polls. As this is my first TD, I am new to the making of one and would really like advice on changing things. I am not new to the mechanics, or how TD's are played, only making them.
I have begun receiving feedback and from it I so far plan to add:
- air waves
- specific targeting towers (like a tower that can only shoot air)
- making the upgrades more worth it
- balancing the starting resources
- balancing the difficulty and towers
- adding waves
- fixing the error received at the end of the waves I have currently