


For this map I wanted to create a 2v2 with a slightly different dynamic than the maps we got to use during beta.  You share your main with your partner and your naturals are spread far apart, but with the chokes + destructible rocks, still easily defended.  I created watch towers covering all attack paths, so scouting and holding watch towers will be essential for this map.  I made the 3rd expansions relatively easy to take, but the middle expansions, including the gold, will require some hard work.

As always, feedback is appreciated.


-Made certain areas no fly zones (where the giant rocks are).
-Moved some minerals around on the mains.

v1.0 Release

Other Maps:

Highland: http://www.sc2mapster.com/maps/highland/
Bioship: http://www.sc2mapster.com/maps/bioship/