Starcraft: Evolution Complete Campaigns

Starcraft: Evolution Complete Campaigns


SC:Evo Logo

StarCraft: Evolution Complete is a complete Remake of the BroodWar Tech Trees and art as well as a portion of our Remake of the original StarCraft Campaigns.

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We are actively working in Loomings and it will be released as a full package. We're streamlining the installation process in the next update.

SC: Evo Remake Campaigns start of with Loomings including new art, tilesets, UI, and progression systems to provide a fresh experience without straying too far from the original Campaign.

Currently a Beta portion of the Campaign is only available with the Tutorial Mission as well as the first mission of Loomings.

How to Install and Play
Download the following Files
SC: Evo Assets
SC: Evo Core
SC: Evo Campaign Mods

SC: Evo Loomings Demo

Extract all files
Navigate to the StarCraft 2 Installation folder (The Documents folder is not the right one).

If you don't know where it is installed, go to your Battlenet launcher, Click the cog icon and select Show in Explorer.
Copy paste the extracted Mods and Maps folder.
Make sure that the Maps are in Starcraft II > Maps > SCBW_Loomings and the Mods in Starcraft II > Mods.

To launch the Campaign Open the Launcher in Maps > SCBW_Loomings and launch the EvoCompleteDemoLauncher Map, then simply click on Test Document to start it up,

If you're looking to use the SC: Evolution Complete mods for your own usage a separate page is coming soon!