Preface. This campaign is my first attempt for a project telling a story within the realm of SC2 and consisting of multiple singleplayer maps. I hope that I can provide you [player, streamer, watcher] with a fun and enjoyable experience. Dedicated time to spend on this project will vary and be limited mostly due to ofther life-aspects. However when new maps get to the point were I feel satisfied on their state, they will be uploaded/updated depending on the need.
Notice: Blizzard patches can cause the files in this project to break or get wiry. If I find any irregularities I will do my best to fix them, as as such offer a new upload of given files. However if you find anything out of the ordinary, please do not hesitate to let me know.
Starcraft: Time Splitters
The campaign will be set in the universe of Starcraft II and follow the style of Time Splitters [namesake game]. The campaign introduces the Protoss Talon faction as a playable new faction that is at the center of this campaign. in specific scenarios reference/tributes may be given to outside influences.
General credits are given in the mission launcher.
[History] While their history among the Protoss is largely shrouded in mystery, recorded history shows that the Talon have always been present at the beginning of momentous events, mostly resulting in a war-torn Protoss society. Near the end of the Aeon of Strife when Adun introduced the Khala, the Talon were amongst those who vicously opposed it. Even before the exile of the Nerazim, most of the Talon left Aiur in several supercarriers in order to found a new civilization of their own. Amongst those which were left behind they merged themselves in with the Nerazim and Tal'Darim in order to learn and gather intel.
[Time Splitters] For decades the Talon have kept a shroud of silence around their existence ever since. Many of the mysteriously vanished expeditionary teams of Protoss and terrans alike are the result of relentless destruction by the Talon. However, while there were always tensions between the various subfactions of the Talon, during the last year tensions grew exponentially, leaving the Talon at the edge of a civil war. This story begins on a small backwater planet, where the Annual Combat Event -a yearly ritual for the establishment of Talon rule- is on the verge to begin...
How to install and play
Installing the maps
1. Download the mission maps and the launcher here.
2. Unzip the zip-files.
3. Copy the xxx.sc2map files within the unzipped folders and follow below instructions
4. Open your SC2 directory [by default it should be C:/Program Files/Starcraft II/ ]
5. Open the Maps folder within your SC2 directory. If this folder does not exist, create a new folder and name it Maps.
6. Inside the Maps folder, create a new folder with the name: SCTimeSplitters.
7. Paste the xxx.sc2map files inside the SCTimeSplitters folder.
Installing the mod
1. Download the mod here.
2. Unzip the zip-file.
3. Copy the Talon_Faction_Mod.sc2mod file within the unzipped folder and follow below instructions
4. Open your SC2 directory [by default it should be C:/Program Files/Starcraft II/ ]
5. Open the Mods folder within your SC2 directory. If this folder does not exist, create a new folder and name it Mods.
6. Paste the Talon_Faction_Mod.sc2mod file inside the Mods folder.
Play the Campaign
1. Open the launcher through the editor
2. Start the launcher with the Test Document function.
3. After loading the map: select from the screen and... poof!
Note: Make sure Legacy Of The Void is installed for best performance.
- A new playable faction featuring new and unique units and characters.
- Lots of new models
- Maps with cutscenes and storytelling.
Released (or imminent release)
- Mission 1: The Talon [part1] - Prologue mission
- Mission 2: The Talon [part2] - Prologue mission
- Cinematic map: Distortion
- Mission 3: Bionical
- Mission 4: The Autonomous Sword
- Revamp for Mission Launcher
- Mission 5: Back and Forth
Future maps will follow
The campaign in Russian
Hobot Productions have translated the campaign into russian"check it out here:
Credits and Special thanks
In no particular order,
- DaveSpectre122 (much appreciated help in creation of assets)
- AlleyVSC2 (much appreciated help in creation for the mod)
- CerberusSC2 (Credits for the original Knights of Tyrador Reforged skins)
- DudkiSC2
- Edhriano
- TChosenOne
- VastanX
- Deltron @ DeltronLive (Youtube streamer)
And all other Community souls that have contributed in some way.
If I have forgotten anyone else, please let me know
Discord Channel
Starcraft: Time Splitters Discord Channel
...Page will be updated timely.