Still alpha version. I want to make a trader based map. You take mercherdise from a point and sell it to a customer. Here are the customers idea I found yet: Village; buy houses, cars, renovation supply, furniture, food, pharmacy stuff. Recration place; shoping center for village, buy cloth, electronics, movies Need employees. Space research; because their is an infested cavern, they want to leave the ''planet'' so they reasearch technologies. Need employees. Biological research; they want to understand the zerg and try to upgrade their thecnologies. Need employees Weapons reasearch; reasearch better units and upgrade weapons. Need employees Race track: buy cars, food, Need customers and employeess from Village. Defense line; Buy weapons, raw material. Need food, soldiers. Go to recreation center, race track, village. They Defend all the other customers above, so you loose them if the defense line falls. Zerg; they are attacking by the infested cavern. Need units from zerg planet. Zerg Planet; sell units to Zerg. Protoss; sell space technologies to space research. could had protoss base also overruned by zerg. Protoss "Planet"
Few idea I had but I don't know how to put it on terrain; Defend, Escort bigger convoy You got to choose who you help and how. let the humans get killed, loose a lot of clients let the protoss get killed, the humans can't escape this planet and needs to kill the zerg Help the zerg, they want to retunr to their planet at the end and you got kill because they don't want to pay Zerg could pay with improvements, or escorts
This is also a to do checklist for me ! Got any sugestion, I'm open for ideas !