Urubu Hunt Extreme

Urubu Hunt Extreme


In this map you will be able to vote on game modes that will last from 10 seconds to 2 minutes depending on the game mode. All game modes will involve the critter - Urubu.

Current Game modes include:

  1. Urubu Hunt Classic - In this game mode you will have 20 seconds to find and snipe the Urubu on a small map cluttered with other types of critters.
  2. Urubu Mineral Defense - In this game mode Urubus will come after your 2 mineral patches and you must snipe them as fast as you can to win.
  3. Angry Angry Urubus - You must escape from the heard of Urubus before they kill you!
  4. Urubu Hunt Advanced (Currently Developing) - You must use your abilities to kill the more Urubus than the other player. Beware though use the one nuke given to you cautiously for it could tip the scales of the game.
  5. Urubu Tower Defense (Not yet created) - A normal tower defense only with Urubus.
  6. Urubu Nuke Fest (Not yet created) - Each player gets one nuke and can launch the nuke into a field full of Urubus. The player who kills the most Urubus with one nuke wins.

I am hoping to have my creative side kick in and think up some more game modes. Also I will be adding a scoring system that will determine who has won the most games, but for now its just for fun.

-NOTE- Due to exam time this project has been delayed. Next release is close to completion though it will not be release for about a week or more (unless i somehow find time). Next update will include.

  • Game changed to 4 player from 2 player.
  • Angry Angry Urubus has a larger map and more abilities.
  • Urubu Hunt Advanced will be released.