This is a basic version of Zone Control from the original Starcraft, and not my own original idea. I'm basically making this map to learn the new editor and get comfortable with it before I start creating my own maps, so any criticism or comments are very welcome. You can contact me personally at [email protected], or just comment.
-Supports up to four players (Will be 8 later)
-Each player starts with a Warp Prism, which can be placed in the center of any square "zone" on the map creating a bunker and spawning marines for you to fight your opponents. Everytime you reach 250 minerals, a new warp prism is automatically spawned at your base for the cost of the 250 minerals (Will be changed in future versions).
-You gain minerals for upgrades by killing opponent units.
-Objective is to destroy all opponents and their bunkers. (Win/loss conditions are not in yet)