HQ Abstract Modern Long Painting #4 Samtuse963

HQ Abstract Modern Long Painting #4 Samtuse963


High quality modern abstract painting, that inspire sims imaginations and increases environmental score.

  • For base game
  • High Quality
  • 6 Switch
  • Imaginative +2
  • Environment Score +10
  • You can find it in Decoration (Wall)
  • Starting size 1x2
  • You can invite NPCs to view the artwork.
    Two Options:
    1. Appreciate this artwork
    2. Invitation to view this artwork
    If the NPCs are too far away, they might arrive at the location but get distracted by other objects (like a TV or computer).
    In this case, invite the NPCs who are already present again, and they will gather around to view the artwork.
    It is especially recommended to place the artwork in an open space. You can also use this feature to hold art exhibitions.

    If you looking for painting, here are my related design:

My Abstract Modern Painting

My Arch Frame Painting

My Abstract Painting

My Minimalist Painting

My Cute Pets Painting

My Watercolor Painting

My All Painting

Copyright Notice:
1.All my projects currently have only one author, which is me. If there is any collaboration, I will note all the authors' names.

2.Don't claim any of my objects as your own.

3.If you download and recolor or otherwise adjust my objects, please keep them for personal use only and Don't re-upload them for others to enjoy.

4.If your build creations, background designs, or other design projects include my items, please credit my name or page so that viewers can also get to know me.

5.If you want to collaborate or have other ideas, let me know, and we can discuss it together.

6.If you find anyone who appears to be using my objects without permission, please let me know so I can confirm if there is a copyright issue.

* Images found online are not necessarily free to use; they usually have authors or vendors selling them. If you're unsure whether the images in the items you downloaded are ethically sourced, you can browse any image on a desktop web browser, right-click on the image, and select "Search image with Google." This will help you find the possible original source of the image.

If you like my work, press the follow button, it will give me great encouragement.
and feel free to leave a comment or send me a private message to let me know what you think, have fun! ❤️❤️❤️

by Samtuse963