[kta] Classic Paintings 3

[kta] Classic Paintings 3


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Its funny how inspiration finds u. I was watching this speed build video from my dear @syldavia_syl in which she says how difficult is to decor a modern inside Castle with the mods she already has and then i thought i could contribute somehow, even with a little input: these paintings. Of course they wouldnt help at all in this case, cause she wasnt using CC but still, i thought it might help other players :)

These r all from around XVI century paintings but in order to make them look a little more, wont say modern but contemporaries, i changed the framing to pay attention on details: the amazing fabrics, the brocades, the ruffs or the jewelry and hairstyles. There r also some still life ones.

The package comes with 45 recolors and its base game but u'll need the Get Together pack.

Enjoy! :)