I wanted to re-create Ellie & Dina's farmhouse in The Sims, but saw that no one made CC of the artwork they have! Never made CC prior to this so it may not be the greatest but I tested everything in game and it should all work fine.
This set includes: All the paintings/drawings Ellie has in her art room, all her posters, the framed photos found around the house (I think I missed one or two...), Ellie's framed paintings, and a Crooked Still Vinyl. All are BGC.
Since they're all BGC, some of the items (framed photos) are locked items, so you'll need to use the bb.ignoregameplayunlocksentitlement cheat to get them in buy mode. The sizing for some objects may be off as well so if you want exact scaling like you see in the first photo, use bb.moveobjects.
You'll need meshes for 2 of these!
For Ellie's landscape paintings, you'll need PlutoSims Art Attack Wall Art
For the Crooked Still vinyl, you'll need Syboubou's Leaning Vinyl
To download, extract the .zip file into your mods folder.
Big thanks to EncryptedAnime on reddit, he got a lot of photos of the artwork for me since I don't have a PlayStation. Wouldn't have been able to make most of these without them!