SOHO Part 3

SOHO Part 3


Hello again :),

I can't believe it's already the last month of the year. Time flies when you are having fun. :D I had fun while creating SOHO Part 3.

I was looking forward to this iteration of the Set, and I love creating build items. When I visited Soho, two types of buildings stood out: elaborate red brick and elegant cast-iron buildings. I decided to create items for both styles so you can mix and match them when you build apartment blocks. Most objects are wall decorations; you get columns, pilasters, arches, window frames, trims, and cornices. I also created 11 more windows for this Collection in various shapes and heights. Don't forget to look in the Wall section; and there is a new brick wall and a cast iron wallpaper:) Another very typical thing you will find: is the iconic external fire escape, you will get 3 platforms and three stair heights, they are not functional just decor!

Now, one advice: most objects are placable without moving objects, but if you want to pile decorations on top of each other, I would advise you to turn on moving objects. Another key combination I would use is ctrl+F5 to turn on quarter tile placement. Columns will snap perfectly into place, and you do not have to align them with the ALT key

I want to thank you again for all the love and support, for the ones who celebrate I wish you a happy Christmas and a happy new year to everyone!

Lots of Love,

Felix xxx