SOHO Set Part 4

SOHO Set Part 4


Hello, Hello, Hello :),

Time is flying so quickly. It's already February. After a month of Shop the Look, it's time to return to the Soho Set. With part four, I want to pick up on something I wanted to create for the Fayun Set, a modular seating island situation. After further developing the idea, I called it a book lounge, which reminds me of Soho with all its book shops. This Set is also my contemporary answer to the library I created for the Chateau Set :) Spoiler alert: you can mix and match the books from both collections!

The lounge consists of a long Table that can be used as a dining table or desk. It can also be combined with a seating platform (PSST is a loveseat) and a Ficus planter that slots into the table. The platform has lots of slots, perfect for decorating purposes.

I approached shelves differently this time. For versatility, I separated the poles from the shelves; there are three different height options and two different shelf lengths. They come in metal and wooden swatches. I had quite some fun trying out all the various combinations :) Of course, I filled them with slots until the brim!

No shelves without clutter, I created nine different book arrangements inspired by all sorts of design books. Additionally, I made the Zettel'z Light from Ingo Maurer and had fun creating a painting.

Again, thank you so much for the love and support. I can't spoil next month just jet, but I'm sure you will be happy about what is to come :D

Happy Simming and lots of love,

Felix xx