Apple Restaurant Food Set: Four Cheese Mac & Cheese with Honey Pepper Chicken Tenders

*requires latest version of Insimnia Recipes REQUIRED File, always delete PREVIOUS version*

Dine Out is Required for the Restaurant! If you don't have Dine Out, you can get the food through Insimnia Eats Delivery only.

Highly, HIGHLY recommend Carl's Dine Out mod. As you know, Dine Out is glitchy in general. Carl's mod actually makes it work.


1. Simply take your Sims to a restaurant lot, edit the custom menu and add the custom food, and order away!

2. Compatible with Insimnia Eats 2.0 and Grannies/Zero's compatible version. You must download the updated version to see these items on there! PLEASE MAKE SURE TO DELETE THE PREVIOUS VERSION WHEN DOWNLOADING THE LATEST ONE.


  1.  Simply drag and drop the PACKAGE Files directly to your Mods folder.