Base Game Less Autonomous Computer

Base Game Less Autonomous Computer


Tunes down all autonomous computer interactions for the Base Game.

Less Autonomous Computer is a modular mod that will make Sims will be less prone to using computers autonomously, while still maintaining the functionality for game features that are dependent on autonomous computer use (like libraries, some active careers and such).

For most modules, autonomous computer interactions are restricted to Sims with the techie lifestyle that you play autonomously, but the modules do also take into account preferences (like for video gaming).

This is the Base Game module.

It tunes down all autonomous Base Game computer interactions.

Required Packs: -

Compatiblity: Will conflict with any mod that alters these tuning files:
all Base Game computer_Browse_ tuning files
computer_Chat, 13192
computer_Freelancer_Make_Edits, 208394
computer_ListenToSpaceLaunch, 13224
computer_Picker_Chat_Autonomous, 32353
computer_PlayGame_Arithmetic, 31421
all Base GAme computer_PlayGame_ tuning files
computer_Postcards_FindNewPenpal, 29726
computer_PracticeTyping, 31429
computer_PracticeWritingSkill, 33877
all Base Game Computer_Programming_ tuning files
computer_Recreation_Autonomous_PseudoAggregate_PlayGame, 270747
computer_ResearchArtRef, 34003
computer_ScourForMemes, 100429
computer_SearchBankBlueprints, 33950
computer_TrollForum, 13240
computer_WriteJokes, 30017
Role_GreetedNPCVisitingNPC, 34425
Role_InvitedOver, 40351
all Base Game tablet_ tuning files

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