Bone Crunch Salad by KingZace | Chinese Translation

Bone Crunch Salad by KingZace | Chinese Translation


Chinese translation of Bone Crunch Salad by KingZace

This recipe comes in 2 sizes: a single serving and a party serving (8 servings)
Single serving uses 2 Plasma Fruits and 1 Skull as an ingredient.
Party serving uses 4 Plasma Fruits and 2 Skulls as an ingredient.
This dish is for vampires, regular sims will get sick if they eat this.
This dish will also appear in the menu at Dine-In restaurants.
****This recipe requires the Vampire Game Pack****

If you use the Leniad Version, this recipe will not have a required ingredients option.
If you use the SCCO Version, this recipe will have the required ingredients option when you use the Simple Living Lot Challenge from Cottage Living EP.




版本1需要Srsly的自定义菜单 - 烹饪Andrew's Crafting EnablerSCCOSCCOR,可以在自定义>神秘学>主菜中找到

版本2需要Andrew's Crafting EnablerLeniad制作菜单,可以在Leniad特色制作>沙拉和意大利面中找到