Sims will react to the death of aquaintances, not so close relatives, disliked sims,... less strong as they do without this mod. The moodlets are shortened and less strong.
By default, all grieving moodlets have - even after the recent patch - the same duration no matter how close your Sim was to the deceased.
Required Packs: -
Compatiblity: Will conflict with any mod that alters these tuning files:
buff_AnimalObjects_Moodlets_Socials_Sad_Chicken_Death (261284)
buff_DeathOfSim_Acquaintance (190991)
buff_DeathOfSim_Child_Disliked (185336)
buff_DeathOfSim_Divorced (185338)
buff_DeathOfSim_Divorced_Disliked (185339)
buff_DeathOfSim_Friend (185340)
buff_DeathOfSim_GoodFriend (185341)
buff_DeathOfSim_Grandparent (185343)
buff_DeathOfSim_Grandparent_Disliked (185344)
buff_DeathOfSim_Nibling (185346)
buff_DeathOfSim_Nibling_Disliked (185347)
buff_DeathOfSim_Parent_Disliked (185350)
buff_DeathOfSim_Pet_Friend (190774)
buff_DeathOfSim_Pet_Neutral (190775)
buff_DeathOfSim_Pibling (185352)
buff_DeathOfSim_Pibling_Disliked (185353)
buff_DeathOfSim_Romantic (185354)
buff_DeathOfSim_Sibling (185356)
buff_DeathOfSim_Sibling_Disliked (185357)
Buff_WitnessedDeathFriend (12757)
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