Cancel Welcome Wagon Tweak

Cancel Welcome Wagon Tweak


Cancel Welcome Wagon Tweak

It's the end of a long day, you've just moved in, shifted loads of boxes, arranged and rearranged the bedroom and the last thing you want is a visit from the neighbours; so you cancel the Welcome Wagon.  Suddenly all the neighbours hate you and you struggle to rebuild the relationships.

Well no more, this mod will let you cancel the Welcome Wagon event without any changes to the relationships with the visiting neighbours, giving your sim time to rest and make friends another day. 

Note: this mod changes a single XML and will conflict with any other mod that changes: loot_Situation_WelcomeWagon_Tin : 000000000001D4A0

Credit to:

Lot 51 and the Sims 4 Studio Team, couldn't do this without their tools.