CoL - Create Yarns from Wool | Chinese Translation

CoL - Create Yarns from Wool | Chinese Translation


Chinese translation of CoL - Create Yarns from Wool by millith

One of the good things about Cottage Living is the integration of previous packs, such as Nifty Knitting. I was planning to make knitting and wool compatible with simple living, but instead, this came up...A rework of knitting with wool into a new system with Yarns, which requires you to create yarns from wool before knitting

Once you've done that, you'll get yarns in their respective colour:

Dyeing Wool

It's now possible to dye wool to get their types!

To dye wool, you'll need to have the dyes from Eco Lifestyle in your inventory. When you click on the wool, you'll get this option:

Here is how it works: only white and beige wool can be dyed. Dyeing wool can improve or reduce the quality randomly. 

Golden wool can be obtained only randomly by dyeing wool yellow, brown, or rainbow.

Rainbow requires 4 ingredients and it will rarely give rainbow wool. Most often it will give a random colour, but when it does give rainbow, it's always outstanding.

Dyeing white wool red can give pink. Dyeing beige wool yellow gives brown or gold. Both Pink and Brown require 2 ingredients.



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