Discover University Careers + NPCs

Discover University Careers + NPCs


Like all my careers it requires the XML Injector.

This one took a while to test.  But it's finally ready.  The Discover University Careers and NPCs!  Using this you can join the Professor Career of either University, define roommates, the ghost NPS, and the mascots!

The professors are easy enough.  Like other NPC jobs, just apply the trait and join the career.  Easy enough.  Each trait defines each slot.  One Sim can hold all four traits at once or you can split them up.    Normally there are a few professor archetypes.  This mod sort of eliminates that so you can define the prof of your choice.  If you don't then I think these archetypes still stand.  Unlike other careers of mine the situation outfit stands for the archetype walkbys because there are so many.  There are actually two Professor careers - one for Foxbury and the other for Britechester.  

The School Ghost is Felix Psyded.  Setting this allows your Sim to add to the pool of school ghosts.  It won't make them a ghost, though.  You have to do that yourself.  But it seems a bit easy to make ghosts busy and another can spawn even after you set yours.  If Felix himself is gone then Townies spawn in his place.

The Mascots are new traits that allow you to define them.  You need to be in the right university to be that school's mascot.  You can use my Outfit Lock Trait to lock in the everyday outfit and, in that way, change how the mascots look.  Otherwise it's a situation outfit that's unchangeable.  However, it's easy for the mascots to be replaced by other Sims.  If they're on a lot when the situation occurs then they'll be replaced and it'll spawn a new Sim. 

Roommates Are definable with this mod, but it requires setup.  And there are hitches.

1) You can use the various traits to define them before enrolling the Sim of your choice into Uni.
2) After this enroll them into University!  Then you can leave them be.  Do not place them on campus!
3) Enroll your Sim into Uni.  If you haven't already played with the pack they should be placed in the dorm you set your Sim into!  If you have played with the pack you may need to try and find them.
4) Alternatively You can use Control any Sim to add them to your Roommates after enrollment.  Their NPC quirks and archetypes should be intact.  I know there are comments saying it doesn't work totally right any more, but it seems to function alright for this at least.  If it ever breaks totally I may try to add that functionality to this mod.  
5) I recommend assigning them a bed immediately so they keep coming back.

After the Roommate Sim spawns it will bump them out of whatever household they were in before and place them into their own household. If you try to edit them afterwards it will remove all roommate traits and they won't be roommates anymore.