High School Students Role Outfit Disabled

High School Students Role Outfit Disabled


Teens will no longer wear role outfits during active high school.

Role Outfits Disabled by Choice is a modular mod that let's you disable almost every role outfit you do not like separately. Just mix and match the modules however you like.

Required Packs: High School Years

Compatiblity: Will conflict with any mod that alters these tuning files:

job_HighSchool_Active_Base_NPC_Student_ChessTeam, 278966

job_HighSchool_Active_Base_NPC_Student, 277894

job_HighSchool_Active_Base_NPC_Student_ComputerTeam, 278968

job_HighSchool_Active_Base_NPC_Student_MeanSim, 303765

job_HighSchool_Active_Base_NPC_Student_FootballTeam, 278967

job_HighSchool_Active_Base_NPC_Student_CheerTeam, 278965

job_HighSchool_Active_Player_Base, 277917

Creator website: https://www.seebee.de/sims4me/