High School Years Less Autonomous Computer

High School Years Less Autonomous Computer


Less Autonomous Computer is a modular mod that will make Sims will be less prone to using computers autonomously, while still maintaining the functionality for game features that are dependent on autonomous computer use (like libraries, some active careers and such).

For most modules, autonomous computer interactions are restricted to Sims with the techie lifestyle that you play autonomously, but the modules do also take into account preferences (like for video gaming).

This is the High School Years module.

It tunes down autonomous computer interactions for the High School Years pack.

Required Packs: High School Years

Compatiblity: Will conflict with any mod that alters these tuning files:

computer_Browse_WatchLiveStreams_Lifestyle, 298243

computer_Browse_WatchLiveStreams_Gaming, 298242

computer_HSExit_WorkTowardsGED, 278120

super_HighSchool_Active_Computer_ReviewClassSchedule, 301722

tablet_Social_Media_OpenSocialMedia, 285075

all computer_Career_(Simsfluencer)SideHustle_ tuning files

Creator website: https://www.seebee.de/sims4me/