"Let's talk, Kiddo!" Mod  – What Would You Like to Do This Weekend? By  borsch & smetania /  Translated to Spanish by dokimtz

"Let's talk, Kiddo!" Mod v1 – What Would You Like to Do This Weekend? By borsch & smetania / Spanish translation only

What It Does:

  • 🔹 New Interaction: Allows parents or caregivers to ask kids/teens about their plans for family leisure time on the weekend.
  • 🔹 Random Responses: Kids/teens will give one of 31 random answers based on the in-game season (with about 10 neutral answers available every season), resulting in over 100 different response options!
  • 🔹 Mod Compatibility: Some responses suggest actions that can be enabled by other mods (e.g., flying kites), while most are based on in-game activities and expansions.
  • 🔹 Accessible: This interaction is available via a custom Pie Menu category called “Let's talk, Kiddo!” when clicking on a kid or teen.
  • 🔹 No Buffs: Currently, the interaction does not grant any custom buffs.
  • 🔹 Seasons-Free Version: An alternative version is available for players without the Seasons expansion (with 29 total answer options).

Important Note:

  • If you previously downloaded the “Which hobby would you like to pursue?” custom interaction, please re-download it as the files have been updated. This is necessary for all interactions in the mod to work properly.

Creator's Mod Link:👇🏻


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