Madam Simovar - The Potion Seller | Chinese Translation

Madam Simovar - The Potion Seller | Chinese Translation


Chinese translation of Madam Simovar - The Potion Seller by lotharihoe

Introducing Madam Simovar, a new NPC that allows your non-spellcaster sims to get access to alchemy potions — as long as they have the money.

There are two ways to use Madam Simovar's services:

  • Madam Simovar will automatically spawn in some venues such as Bars and Lounges, and you can usually find her drinking or dancing. She won’t spawn in lots with more specific functions like Restaurants and Gyms, and obviously won’t spawn in Residential lots.
  • Inside the Hire Services menu in your sim's phone, you'll find a new option: Madam Simovar's Home Service. For only §75, Madam Simovar will come directly to your house. Make sure you have the money to pay for her services as well!

Regardless of how your sims choose to meet Madam Simovar, all they need to do is tell her what they desire - and how much they are willing to pay for it. She will do her best to provide a solution in a bottle.


