This mod provides for
- less prominent massage interactions in the social pie menu,
- and shifts the interactions to the friendly/activities sub-menu,
- no autonomous massage interactions.
Conversationtweak is a modular mod that fixes (almost) everything wrong with conversations in the Sims 4, but you can totally use this module on its own or in any combination with the other modules that suits you.
Required Packs: Spa Day
Compatiblity: Will conflict with any mod that alters these tuning files:
all mixer_Social_AskFor Massage and mixer_Social_Give Massage tuning files
mixer_Social_OfferFootMassage_Targeted_Friendly_AlwaysOn, 120627
mixer_Social_OfferHandMassage_Targeted_Friendly_AlwaysOn, 120628
pieMenuCategory_AskForMassage_Social, 118064
pieMenuCategory_GiveMassage_Social, 118063
Creator website: