Chinese translation of Mine in Beach Cave by SimplifiedModding
You have to explore the cave a little bit before the options become available. The idea is that you need to prospect first to figure out where the precious metals and gems are located. So, metal mining becomes available at “partial” mapping of the cave, and gem mining becoming available at “nearly complete” mapping of the cave. You may have to “explore” many times before successfully prospecting all of the cave’s treasures.
Mining is hard, dirty work, so your sims will lose hygiene and energy need pretty quickly. And even if you bring a few waterfall in a bottles and some energy drinks to help with those needs, the work is physically intensive… and after a while will result in fatigue, and lock you out of the interaction for the duration of the buff. On the plus side, your sims will gain Fitness skill while mining (and gain a little muscle, and lose a little fat).
You’re most likely to get common metals or gems, and rarer ones are less likely and fewer in number. You can also get unlucky and not successfully mine anything at all. Once your sim returns from the depths, you’ll be prompted to check their inventory for any treasures.
There is also some support for lifestyles from Snowy Escape, although it is not necessary to use the mod. Miners will gain lifestyle points towards the energetic lifestyle and the adrenaline seeker one.
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