More Get to Work Indoor Slippers

More Get to Work Indoor Slippers


If you have the BaseGame shoe rack or the Snowy Escape shoe sign in your game, you can choose that you Sims wear slippers instead. The choices are extremely limited though. With this mod, Sims will wear a greater variety of indoor slippers.

Every module of this mod can be used on its own, just make sure you have the pack installed that ist required for the module to work.

This is the Get to Work module.

Required Packs: Get to Work

Compatiblity: Will conflict with any mod that alters these tuning files:

default overrides of the slippers I tagged to be available for this mod.

Note: EA CAS content that has been assigned for use with this mod will be seen as CC by the game. If you want to create a Sim to share in the gallery, temporarily delete the mod. You can also save already existing Sims anew after deleting the mod. They will then show as CC-free. 

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