This is a requested re-make of the No Mirroring in CAS for CAS trait poses, originally made as a mod by Shoobysims (example image from them with permission). Now your custom CAS trait poses will show the same in CAS as they do in Blender and in-game! This does not apply to gallery poses.
This conflicts with my Stand Still in CAS (Shimrod) mod!
I have made versions of Stand Still that has this change if you want both, you can download those versions here (All-in-One) or here (Occults Only). Otherwise you can use regular Stand Still mods instead, like my Shooksims version, as they won't conflict as they don't touch the CAS file.
Will conflict with any mod altering this resource, like Stand Still in CAS (Shimrod): 02D5DF13!00000000!D8D5C1186BA97FDC.CAS.AnimationStateMachine.xml