A) Catalogue Details : -
1. Name - OnePot 2. Price - 250 simoleons 3. Location - Small Appliances 4. Presets - 16 5. Off the Grid Compatible. Can be used without power and waterB) Interactions :-
<figure class="wp-block-image size-large"></figure> 1. Make One Pot Meal -- Opens recipe picker menu from where you can choose from 15 different meals.
- 8 Servings
- Requires Level 4+ Homestyle Cooking skill
- Opens recipe picker menu from where you can choose from 15 different meals.
- 1 Serving
- Requires Level 4+ Homestyle Cooking skill
766v/1118p (High); 766v/1118p (med), 660v/931p(low) Files -
1. icemunmun_OnePot_Base.package 2. icemunmun_OnePot_Meals.package