ROM Market Stall Tweak

ROM Market Stall Tweak


Realm of Magic Market Stall Tweak

Vendor: (Loudly) "Get your ingredients here!  Everything you need for potions! Best prices in town! Don't miss out!"
Mage: "One Goldfish please"

Vendor: "Sorry sir, fresh out of Goldfish. Can I interest you in this magnificant Exotic Goldfish? Fresh as the day it was caught, lovely colours in the scales."

Mage: "No, I need a plain, simple Goldfish.  If you don't have one I'll go elsewhere."
Vendor: (Muttering to themselves) "Gah, looks like I need a new supplier, current one never has the right stock."

Ensure your Glimmerbrook vendors always have the useful stock with this mod, which changes the items available to purchase for both the Reagent stall and the Broom stall.
(Alternatively grab "Purchase All Fish" to get that needed Goldfish from somewhere else)

Note: This mod changes the following XML and will conflict with other mods that use them:

purchase_MarketStalls_Magic_Broom : 0000000000034F77

purchase_MarketStalls_Magic_Reagent : 0000000000034F78

Credit to:

Lot 51 and the Sims 4 Studio team, your modding tools rock.