Sul Sul Weather App

Sul Sul Weather App


Sul Sul Weather App

This Mod adds a Weather App to the Game where you can “check” the Weather in a World before travelling there.

How the Mod works

To check the Weather click on the Phone App Icon and then on “Sul Sul Weather App”. In the Pop up that follows choose the World you want to check the Weather. 

Magnolia Promenade is a part of Willow Creek, so those Worlds have the same Weather.

What else you need to know

I cannot really check the Weather in a World without actually travelling there. So i did a Workaround for this Mod:

Technically what the Mod does is, that it adds a hidden random Buff to your Sim(s) with a duration of 12hrs & you’ll get a Notification of the “current Weather” in the World you checked.

When you travel to the World within the 12hrs the hidden Buff will give you another hidden Loot which will basically “change” the Weather to the Weather the App projected. Depending on your PC System Specs & and the Weather generated by the Game it can take a few seconds (ingame minutes) until the Mod forecasted Weather is active.

The Weather changes after a certain amount of time which is hard coded as it seems. So the Weather will change again after ~ 12hrs.


Will this be compatible with other Weather Mods?

Yes and no. My Mod does change the Weather based on the EA possible Forecasts and not based on other Mods changed Forecasts for Worlds. So it depends on the Weather Mod. If those “improve” the Weather a bit it should be compatible. If those change the Weather completley like let it Snow in Oasis Springs etc. then no, they won’t work well together.


Mod Support available via my Discord: